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History of Quantum Computing

Writer: mansour ansarimansour ansari

Updated: Oct 15, 2021

A brief history:

The Russian Scientist, Yuri Manin described the concept of quantum computers in 1981. I will explain his novel idea later.

Next was Paul Benioff from Argonne lab (USA) describing a quantum mechanical models of quantum computers. I will get to that later.

A year later, physicist Richard Feynman (USA) presented a logical quantum computer model at the conference on physics and computerization.

The architecture and the premise behind Feynman's model rested in the conviction that it would be impossible to conduct the simulation of a quantum system with the use of a classic computer. That is proven already due to the complexity of the laws of nature.

Feynman understood that the traditional engineering approach to the problem of computer development would never lead to a revolution. He knew classical computers days were numbered because of inherent design of transistors. He based his reasoning on the laws of nature. His scientific activities are considered by many to be a key moment in the development of quantum computer theory.


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