The word climate change caught my attention. I am listening to the audiobook "The uninhabitable Earth" by David Wallace-Wells, about the consequences of global warming.
I also know of this quantum computing company with some promising error correction design that can be game changer.
The claim to fame of this Quantum Computing company is the design of a quantum engine that can control on-the-fly resetting the qubits to their original state, thus preventing quantum error and drastically improving calculation accuracy outcome. They claim a "quantum-circuit refrigerator" design with a unique "on/off capability" that can cool individual qubits and reset their state to zero.

Currently, we are in the NISQ era (Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum); IQM claims Quantum Advantage on specific applications, such as climate change. IQM's current mission is to help with climate's global warming crisis by using quantum computing to model possible solutions that are impossible for today's supercomputers to perform. According to IQM, climate technologies developed with IQM quantum computing will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by seven gigatons a year by 2035. That's exciting news. Other ideas floated about solutions that help decarbonize fuel, re-shaping industrial operations, and reform agriculture and forestry.