Classic computers such as our phones, laptops, desktops, supercomputers are devices that, with the use of transistors, collectively process information in the form of sequences of various combinations of zeros and ones known as a binary computer language. We call them bits for binary digits.
In simple terms, a transistor is a type of switch, it can be turned on, which corresponds to a binary one, or it can be turned off, which corresponds to binary zero. We use zeros and ones to compute. The grouping of transistors into special circuits, called logic gates, allows the computer to perform calculations and make decisions per a man-made computer program.
Computer processing power depends on the number of transistors used, according to Moore's law. Moore's law is the observation that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles about every two years. Moore's law is an observation and projection of a historical trend. Rather than a law of physics, it is an empirical relationship linked to gains from experience in production. Today this power is doubling every two years.
The commercially available processor processing the highest number of transistors is the 15 core Zion Ivy Bridge EAX with over 4.3 billion transistors.
In the case of graphic processors, the world's record belongs to Nvidia, which offers computer accelerators in which the number of transistors exceeds 7 billion. Although this type of device is admirable and undoubtedly contributes to the development of science and technology, it does not change the fact that there are still some problems that could not be resolved in optimal time, even by the most advanced classic computers.
No conventional solutions or improvements can compare with the endless possibilities offered by the laws of quantum mechanics. The quantum mechanical states of elementary particles like transistor voltages can be described in zeros and ones. Depending on the method used, we can apply various kinds of particles to the calculations. Here the state described by the zeros and the ones is the internal angular momentum of the particle known as its spin. Although it's not possible to describe this particular feature through the use of classical mechanics, it can be likened to a magnetic bar capable of deviations. When the bar is pointed up, the state can be described by a value of one. However, when it is pointing down, it can be described by the value of zero. In other words, spin up corresponds to the turned on switch and spin down corresponds to the turned off switch. Using this analogy, we can describe the defined quantum states with the use of binary system much like a classic computer. However, beyond this point, all similarity ends.